Telling inequality: Why Tax Justice Matters to Journalism
Understanding the importance of transforming narratives about taxation in the mass media to expand the base of citizen support for the demand for progressive tax policies, on 5 and 6 June, together with Oxfam México, FES Colombia, and Fundación Gabo, we carried out the workshop 'Telling Inequality: Why Tax Justice Matters to Journalism' for the first time. The workshop was led by renowned investigative journalist Mónica González, who has more than 50 years of experience investigating cases of power imbalance and monitoring money routes in tax havens.
The conference brought together 20 journalists from Latin America and the Caribbean with recognised experience in fiscal and human rights issues—both in investigative and narrative journalism—who currently collaborate with print and digital media and are interested in developing information from a tax justice perspective.
Among the media attending were DiarioAr, CIPER, El País, EFE, El Espectador, La Silla Vacía, TV GLOBO, Revista Factum, Contracorriente, Gatopardo, Radio Chilango, Ojo Público and La Diaria, among others, media belonging to Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
The general objective was to increase the visibility in the media of the discussions on tax matters taking place at a regional and global level and increase the base support through the construction of stories and journalistic articles.
In the methodology implemented, we discussed with journalists critical aspects of the tax justice agenda and collected their impressions and concerns.
We informed them about ongoing regional and international debates on tax issues, focusing on spaces like G20 and TPLAC, to ease their understanding and coverage of these instances.
We also encouraged conversations to create synergies and promote the continuous and regular publication of these matters in media outlets.
Currently, we have an opportunity in Latin America and the Caribbean to end tax privileges for the ultra-rich and promote fairer taxes that help combat inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Journalism can help drive discussions that pave the way for agendas that close gaps and create new narratives that allow more people to know how these issues and decisions directly affect their lives.