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Healthcare Privatisation and Commercialisation in Ivory Coast: What Impact on the Right to Health?

Healthcare Privatisation and Commercialisation in Ivory Coast: What Impact on the Right to Health?

This executive summary, which is based on a full report originally written in French by Dr. Stéphane Koffi Kouadjo and Amadou Dahou, from the non-profit organisation Mouvement Ivoirien des Droits Humains (MIDH), explores the detrimental impacts of privatising healthcare on the right to health in Ivory Coast.

It highlights how commercialisation exacerbates inequalities, with socioeconomic status determining access to medical care. The publication, based on research in Bouaké, Cocody and Yopougon, reveals that a significant number of private health centres operate illegally and that the public healthcare system is underfunded, covering only 40% of healthcare needs. Discrimination against vulnerable groups, such as women and persons with disabilities, is prevalent due to inadequate facilities. The research underscores the necessity for the Ivorian government to enhance public healthcare funding, enforce stricter regulations on private providers and promote transparency to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare for all.


You can find the full report here. It is only available in French.


Executive Summary

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