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We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation registered in the United States. We rely on donations to make our work possible.
  • Open Society Institute
  • Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
  • Foundation to Promote Open Society
  • Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Geneva Office
  • Oxfam Mexico

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland

We are thrilled to announce that our organisation has been awarded the GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency. This prestigious recognition underscores our commitment to accountability and openness. By sharing detailed information about our goals, strategies, and financial health, we ensure our donors, partners and supporters can trust in our mission and work.

To find comprehensive financial information about our organisation, underscoring our unwavering commitment to transparency, click here.

Learn more about us


Support us

If you enjoy our work, please consider making a donation!

No amount is too small. Your contribution will help us fight for transformative change to end endemic problems of social and economic injustice.


We would like to hear about your concerns, initiatives and resources that we can help develop to establish economic, social and cultural rights as an essential point of reference for reforming the institutions that govern our societies.


We are always looking for volunteers. Whether you have a background in legal work, communications, translation or design, join the movement. To inquire about volunteering with us email:

Partner with us

We value relationships and partnerships highly. They are at the core of GI-ESCR’s methodology and are critical to establishing and realising human rights.


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