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Our Future is Public

Public services should be accessible to everyone, regardless of the household's purchasing power. Because water, energy, education, medical and social care are essential for all, universal access and affordability should be the starting point of public services design.
Public ownership is at the heart of an alternative vision that puts people, public services and the planet first.
International conferences have been taking place to connect actors on the local, national and international levels and exchange strategies for economic democracy globally. Our public future lies in the hands of communities – not corporations.
International conferences have been taking place to connect actors on the local, national and international levels and exchange strategies for economic democracy globally. Our public future lies in the hands of communities – not corporations.

Santiago Conference 2022

The Conference gathered social movements, trade unions and civil society organisations from all over the world in Santiago, Chile for a 4-day Conference aiming at developing strategies and narratives to strengthen public services for the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights and tackle the effects of climate change. The conference was attended by more than 400 people and many others participated virtually.

Santiago Conference 2022

The Conference gathered social movements, trade unions and civil society organisations from all over the world in Santiago, Chile for a 4-day Conference aiming at developing strategies and narratives to strengthen public services for the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights and tackle the effects of climate change. The conference was attended by more than 400 people and many others participated virtually.
The climate emergency, rising inequalities and the COVID-19 pandemic have reaffirmed the failures and limitations of the current neoliberal model to respond to crises and ensure a dignified life for all. Transformation in the organisation of our economy is needed in order to confront the challenges the world is currently facing and to create societies that are fair, inclusive, socially-just, equitable and sustainable.

We are at a critical juncture. At a time when the world faces a series of crises, from the environmental emergency to hunger and deepening inequalities, increasing armed conflicts, pandemics, rising extremism, and escalating inflation, a collective response is growing. A large movement is building and concrete solutions are emerging to counter the dominant paradigm of growth, privatisation and commodification. 

We demand universal access to quality, gender-transformative and equitable public services as the foundation of a fair and just society.

Sectoral meetings on Health #OFIP22


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