Launch of iGST on climate change for the LAC
A coalition of several civil society organizations members of the Independent Global Stocktake (iGST) for the Latin American and Caribbean region, including the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) published an independent report to evaluate the progress of the region in addressing the climate emergency. The report aims to contribute to inform and influence the process of the first UNFCCC Global Stocktake, as well as provide an impartial analysis to raise awareness, transparency and opportunities to hold relevant actors accountable for their lack of climate ambition.
This project is a collective effort that seeks to provide a regional diagnoses of the many challenges that region faces to ensure a rapid and just decarbonisation process. It provides comparative data in accessible formats to allow expert and non-expert audiences to have the necessary information to push forwards effective climate responses in the region. The report can be used by experts and activists to build momentum towards the final stage of the Global Stocktake that will be held in CoP28 and demand transformative climate action to phase out fossil fuels and transition towards a fair and sustainable society. The outcomes of the Global Stocktake should set the stage for renovated commitments for the implementation of ambitious climate policy and the mobilization of resources that can meet the scope and scale of the challenges laying ahead in a region already marked by stark inequalities, the shrinking of democratic spaces, and impacted by the environmental breakdown.
You may download the report in Spanish here:
Link to the launch event here.