Together With Partners, We Presented 'Legal Framework on the Energy Transition in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico'
On 29 October 2024, the panel presentation of the report 'Legal Framework on the Energy Transition in Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico: Assessment of the Current Situation and Recommendations for a Fairer Future' took place. The event was organised in a collaboration between GIESCR and TrustLaw, the global pro bono legal program of the Thomson Reuters Foundation. The launch brought together research teams and legal experts from prominent Latin American firms —Ferrada Nehme, Muñoz Tamayo y Asociados, Cescon Barrieu, and Baker & McKenzie— as well as Natalia Segura Diez, to analyse and discuss the findings of an extensive study on local regulations and international standards.
The report aims to deepen understanding of the regulatory frameworks governing the energy transition in these four Latin American countries, with the goal of contributing to the development of effective policies for a fair and equitable transition. In the context round of updates of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) from the States, this report provides a comparative assessment of progress and gaps in their energy transition policies, along with actionable public policy recommendations.
Access the full report on the four countries recommendations to advance a fair energy transition here. You can also access the detailed reports on the current legal frameworks of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico.