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We Urge the World Bank for a Human Rights-Aligned Approach to Social Security

We Urge the World Bank for a Human Rights-Aligned Approach to Social Security

As part of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors, we have signed a joint CSO letter to the World Bank urging a Human Rights-aligned approach to social security, education, and health in IDA21.

The Social Protection Civil Society Network presented the letter at the IDA21 Third Replenishment Meeting in Nepal, which started on June 18.

In 2019, around 80% of the world lived on under $25 a day, and over 700 million lived on less than $2.15 a day. Climate change could push 130 million more into extreme poverty by 2030. More than 4.5 billion lack full coverage of essential health services.

We need action.

The right to universal social security dates back to the  Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, only 47% of the global population is covered by social security benefits.

We are concerned that the World Bank's IDA21 may continue to limit social security to narrow safety nets targeted at the 'poorest and most vulnerable'.

Our critical recommendations for IDA21 are:

- Replace poverty-targeting with universal systems

- Commit to building robust, universal, climate-resilient, and gender-responsive social protection floors

- Ensure integration of climate risks into social security programming.

It's time for the World Bank to commit to universal, rights-aligned social security and free, quality, equitable public services.

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