States’ Human Rights Obligations in the Context of Climate Change - 2024 Update
In collaboration with the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), we have released the 2024 update of the synthesis note on 'States’ Human Rights Obligations in the Context of Climate Change: Guidance Provided by the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies'. This flagship annual publication, now reflecting developments from 2023, offers insights into the Human Rights Treaty Bodies (HRTBs) outputs related to the climate emergency.
Human Rights Treaty Bodies (HRTBs) are expert groups formed under international human rights treaties to oversee and ensure that the State parties comply with their obligations. Comprised of independent human rights specialists elected by the State parties, HRTBs perform three primary functions: assessing how States implement the respective human rights treaties (known as the State review process); developing General Comments or statements to offer guidance on treaty interpretation; and resolving Individual Communications, which are complaints alleging treaty violations by State parties.
The synthesis note expands on earlier reports by CIEL and GI-ESCR by including updated information and analysis on the 2023 activities of HRTBs with a specific focus on climate change. Our analysis focuses on the work of the seven HRTBs whose mandates are most related to climate change. This publication aims to enhance the accessibility and distribution of HRTB’s work, and to provide NGOs, activists, experts and other practitioners with additional tools to advocate for effective climate action.