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SAVE THE DATE! Webinar: "Global Pandemic / Global Solutions (FR)

SAVE THE DATE! Webinar: "Global Pandemic / Global Solutions (FR)

SAVE THE DATE! Webinar: "Global Pandemic / Global Solutions - The right to health beyond borders in times of COVID-19" (21 October - 12:00 UCT)


webinar “GLOBAL PANDEMIC / GLOBAL SOLUTIONS: the right to health beyond borders in times of COVID-19"

October 21 2021 - 12:00 UCT

GI-ESCR is co-sponsoring a webinar on the right to health and extra-territorial obligations of states during COVID-19. The webinar is organised by the ETOs consortium and includes the participation of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng.

Since its outbreak one and a half years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a wide array of challenges and shortcomings related to the human right to health. And many of those have a cross-border dimension: from vaccine development, production, and distribution, to the supply of oxygen, COVID-19 has shown that the realisation of the right to health requires States to meet not only domestic but also extraterritorial obligations (ETOs).

Join us to discuss these themes in a webinar looking at the cross-border dimension of the COVID-19, and the human rights response using ETOs. Furthermore, the webinar will identify upcoming challenges and proposals for action and convergences for CSOs, academics and movements.

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