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Addressing New Constituencies: “Diálogos de Humanidad” podcast in Chile

Addressing New Constituencies: “Diálogos de Humanidad” podcast in Chile

What is the nature of economic, social, and cultural rights? What do we make of the so called “beneficial nature” of these rights? What does the principle of progressivity and non-retrogression mean for people in the face of economic crises? And what is the role of private and for-profit entities in the provision of social rights? These were some of the questions addressed by Valentina Contreras, our Operations Lead and Focal Point on Care in the podcast Diálogos de Humanidad (Humanity Dialogues). The conversation, aired online on May 28th, delved on the ways in which historical circumstances shaped the civil and political v. economic social and cultural rights divide, the entailments of the progressive realisation of these rights, and the crucial role that public services and fiscal policies play in the guarantee of socioeconomic rights, also served as a platform to debunk myths of the so-called ‘third generation rights’, referring to the environmental ones.

Diálogos de Humanidad is a Chilean podcast broadcast by Goodstock radio channel (The House of Rock), focuses on human rights, democracy, and development, and targets an audience of people interested in rock. The show, hosted by Robinson Fuentes, and transmitted live every Tuesday at 4 pm (Chile time), has aired other episodes on civil and political rights, civic education, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), among others.

The participation in the podcast, which falls under our partnership priority of harnessing collective power through the connection with new constituencies, sought to disseminate developments in the economic, social, and cultural rights framework, to give them prominence and make them accessible, as stated in the program goal 3.2. of our Strategic Plan.

Watch our conversation here.

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