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GI-ESCR and COSYDEP bring the issue of privatisation of education in Senegal to the attention of the CRC

GI-ESCR and COSYDEP bring the issue of privatisation of education in Senegal to the attention of the CRC

Ahead of the CRC’s 95th pre-sessional working group, GI-ESCR and its partner Coalition des Organisations en SYnergie pour la Défense de l’Education Publique (COSYDEP) made a submission highlighting issues and questions pertaining to the education sector in Senegal. The joint submission was based on the findings of the report on the privatisation and commercialisation of education in Senegal. The aim of the submission was to suggest the CRC to include the proposed questions in the list of issues as part of the review of the combined sixth and seventh periodic reports of Senegal.  

The questions featured in the submission were framed around the following issues: a choice of private education due to a lack of public schools; a high cost of education that fosters discrimination and; inadequate regulation of private education. 

Submission here 

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