GI-ESCR shaped discussions on the future economy at the Human Rights 75 High-Level Event
In culmination of a year-long campaign for the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, OHCHR organised a High-Level Event in Geneva on December 11-12. GI-ESCR actively participated throughout the campaign, with its Executive Director, Magdalena Sepulveda, serving as a panellist alongside Heads of State, UN agencies, and artists in one of the four Roundtables discussing the future of human rights. GI-ESCR was the only non-governmental organisation represented at the crucial panel for our areas of work
On December 11, two Pledging Sessions featured States announcing commitments to advance human rights, while Voices in Defense of Human Rights segments allowed participants to share testimonies on the impact of the Universal Declaration.
On December 12, the Leaders' Segment included a conversation among Heads of State moderated by the High Commissioner, followed by four round tables addressing pressing human rights issues. GI-ESCR's Executive Director participated in the high-level round table on "The Future of Human Rights: Development and the Economy."
The panel addressed two critical questions: concrete human rights-rooted measures to reduce income and wealth inequalities, and how human rights can help States reclaim fiscal space in an environment of debt distress, ensuring greater investment in essential services.
The panel, moderated by Melissa Fleming, featured speakers such as the Prime Minister of Namibia, H.E. Ms. Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, and representatives from Chile, Mongolia, UNDP, UNCTAD, and the Francophonie organization. Respondents included officials from Cuba, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, the International Monetary Fund, Burkina Faso, Finland, Italy, Mexico, legal advisors, and representatives from Azerbaijan and Algeria.
The Geneva High-Level Event offered accessibility features such as international sign language interpretation, real-time captioning, and simultaneous interpretation in the six UN official languages. It was also connected online to regional hubs in Bangkok, Nairobi, and Panama for related discussions and events.