GI-ESCR submits List of Issues on progressive tax reform in Mexico
GI-ESCR along with partners Oxfam-Mexico, Fundar-Center for Analysis and Research, and Friedrich Ebert Foundation-Mexico, submitted a list of issues to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) regarding Mexico's upcoming review.
The submission focuses on the need for progressive tax reform in Mexico to realise economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights. It provides background on using fiscal policy to fulfill human rights obligations, highlights a Constitutional amendment initiative under consideration in Mexico's Congress, and proposes specific questions for CESCR to ask the Mexican government.
Key points from the submission:
· Mexico has one of the lowest tax collection rates globally but high inequality, with the top 10% controlling 63% of income.
· The tax system currently does not reduce inequality and protects the interests of big corporation and rich individuals.
· A Constitutional amendment is proposed to incorporate fiscal progressivity, allowing higher taxes on extreme wealth to fund rights realisation.
· The submission suggests CESCR ask Mexico about the status of this amendment, plans for comprehensive progressive tax reform, and ensuring public participation.
GI-ESCR and partners calls on the Mexican government to undertake progressive tax reform as a tool for reducing inequality and mobilising maximum available resources for human rights. We look forward to CESCR's review and recommendations to advance economic and social justice in Mexico.