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2023 CESCR Yearbook

2023 CESCR Yearbook

2023 CESCR Yearbook

The Work of the Committee on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights


The 2023 Yearbook of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) captures the full scope of the Committee’s activities over the year.

The Yearbook enhances the visibility and accessibility of the Committee’s work and has quickly evolved into an essential resource for civil society, human rights practitioners, academics, States, and anyone interested in harnessing human rights to address poverty, social injustice and inequality.

The sixth edition of the CESCR Yearbook offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the Committee’s work in 2023.

This year, the Committee tackled a range of challenges to the enjoyment of rights, including armed conflicts, deforestation and climate change, while also advancing discussions on sustainable development.

The Yearbook details how the Committee approached these issues through its various mechanisms: Concluding Observations following State reviews, General Comments, and decisions on individual communications.


The Yearbook is available in Spanish (here) and English (below).


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